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Home > Sustainability

Reybier® aims to sustain People, Planet and Profit! We definitely are profit driven but we're not only profit driven.

Reybier® strongly plans to run this business with a triple bottom line approach putting equal emphasis on people and planet, not just profit. Sustainability is a big part of our identity as a business, and it develops deeper relationships in our community because of it. From purchasing locally grown raw materials to recycling waste water, Reybier® aims to demonstrate that the triple bottom line represents a successful business model.

Triple Bottom Line

A well-known and accepted business concept, the 3Ps of sustainability refer to People, Planet, and Profit, also often coined as the triple bottom line in this era. Sustainability has the role of protecting and maximising the benefit of the 3Ps. Green programs take care of people. They acknowledge the planet’s needs by respecting its valuable resources, and they aim to produce profit without unnecessary waste.


The first component of the triple bottom line highlights a business’s societal impact, or its commitment to people. The ways companies serve society include ensuring fair hiring practices and encouraging gender equality in the workplace. They can also look externally to effect change on a larger scale. For instance, many organizations have formed successful strategic partnerships with non-profit organizations that share a common purpose-driven goal.
• 75% (Max) of the Jobs are allocated for Goans /Locals, out of which 50% is reserved for females to empower the women at the grass root level. To remind, Reybier® is women led organisation !
• Incorporate safety precautions at all stages of operations to value human lives.
• By 2025, we pledged to use 1 million kgs of locally grown and processed grain, per year.


While businesses have historically been the greatest contributors to climate change, they also hold the keys to driving positive change. Many business leaders are now recognizing their responsibility to do so. This effort isn’t solely on the shoulders of the world’s largest corporations—virtually all businesses have opportunities to make changes that reduce their carbon footprint. Adjustments like using ethically sourced materials, cutting down on energy consumption, and streamlining shipping practices are steps in the right direction. Reybier® implements the following :
• Build Green Factory by utilizing the renewable energy sources – Installation of Solar power for at least 50% power utilization.
• Effective utilization of the water (Use 2.8 litres of water per litre of beer produced, which is half of the industry average)
• Implement the Rain Water Harvesting principle to save and re-use the water for future processes.


Purpose-driven leaders are discovering they have the power to use their businesses to effect positive change in the world without hampering financial performance. In many cases, adopting sustainability initiatives has proven to drive business success. Reybier® stands by the principle “DOING WELL BY DOING GOOD.”
• Optimize all the relevant costs by implementing the 6-Sigma Quality standards.
• Never over pay - Reasonable Pay scale for all the employees of Reybier®